Religious exemption to vaccination policy denied by Bank of Canada

Evelyn Egboye, a remote-working employee in Bank of Canada’s IT department has been placed on unpaid leave for declining to receive injections of a COVID-19 vaccine product. The Bank created its vaccination policy following the Canadian government’s mandate requiring vaccination for travellers and employees in federally-regulated industries.

Ms. Egboye’s accommodation request letter of Oct. 28, 2021, expressed her religious reasons for declining vaccination. Her request was also supported by a letter from her Pastor, which stated:

“In view of national and provincial regulations mandating vaccination passports, thereby limiting or denying access to goods, services, businesses, public venues, universities and colleges, as well as employment opportunities for unvaccinated persons, and in view of the fact that such mandates violate the conscience rights and bodily integrity of vaccinated and unvaccinated persons alike, we the undersigned issue the following sincerely-held declaration of Christian truth grounded in scripture, upholding the solemn and inherited right of every person to assert their freedom to decline any unwanted medical treatment or procedure, including vaccination without fear of discrimination, punishment or reprisal: … ”

This statement summarizes the deeply held conviction of [redacted] Church … “

The Bank’s email denying Ms. Egboye’s accommodation can be read here.

Media wishing to contact Evelyn Egboye can do so by contacting OCLA through the contact form at the link here.

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Professor asks university president not to deregister students over vaccination status

Professor David Haskell of Wilfrid Laurier University has written to his university president, Deborah McLatchy, in opposition to the university’s decision to deregister non-vaccinated students from its programs.

The letter begins as follows:

Dear President McLatchy, VP Academic Vannelli, and VP Equity Walker,

This morning via an email from Dr. Vannelli, our university community was notified that starting today “there will be a portion of students officially deregistered from their in-person winter courses for not uploading proof of vaccination or having a valid exemption.”

We were told by Dr. Vannelli that banning these students from campus and derailing their degrees was justified because “the mandate was developed in consultation with health professionals and aligns with our priority of keeping students, staff, and faculty as safe as possible throughout the pandemic.”

This justification is flawed and, in its omission of pertinent facts, misleading. On behalf of the hundreds of students being harmed—emotionally, financially, and educationally—I am asking that you please reverse your decision.

The reasons to reverse course—even in this last hour—are backed by strong moral and empirical arguments. For the sake of our students—all of our students—please be open-mined.

The letter also links to several research studies regarding the efficacy of the COVID-19 vacines and the link to elevated rates of dangerous heart inflammation events and COVID-19 vaccination.

Read the full letter at the link HERE.

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Video: The COVID vaccines were designed to fail (Prof. Bhakdi)

Doctors for Covid Ethics has posted a video by the renowned Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi entitled “The COVID vaccines were designed to fail”. The text introduction to the video states:

“In this 10-minute video, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi discusses the fundamental reason for the current wave of “breakthrough infections:” the failure of the COVID vaccines had to be expected, because fundamental principles of immunology were ignored in their design.”

The video can be viewed on Doctors for Covid Ethics’ site at the link here.


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Canadian Blood Services fires remote-working employee for declining vaccine

A remote-working employee of the Ottawa-based charity Canadian Blood Services (CBS) has been fired for declining to receive injections of a COVID-19 vaccine product.

Gabriel Wilson, a 27 year-old Customer Support Representative in CBS’s organ tissue and donation branch requested accommodation under the organization’s vaccination policy on religious grounds.

Wilson’s accommodation request stated his religious beliefs and expressed that:

“My request for accommodation is that you continue to allow me to work remotely as I have for CBS over the last year and a half. My position is remote, and I will not be in contact with the public or other CBS staff.”

CBS denied Wilson’s request for accommodation in a letter dated Oct. 29, 2021, stating:

“We have carefully considered the information you have provided and have concluded that the reason for your refusal to be vaccinated is not due to a sincerely held religious belief, but rather due to a personal belief that will not allow you to become fully vaccinated. (…)

You have been unable to offer any proof that your religion prevents you from becoming fully vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccination. (…) it is our view that your beliefs do not require protection under the Ontario Human Rights Code.”

Via letter dated Nov. 17, 2021, CBS terminated Wilson’s employment, stating:

“As of today’s date, you have failed to demonstrate a fully vaccinated status, or failed to demonstrate that you intend to become fully vaccinated. (…) therefore, your employment will be terminated, with cause, effective immediately.

If at any point in the future you become fully vaccinated against COVID-19, we welcome you to re-apply for employment at CBS.”

Documents pertaining to Mr. Wilson’s case can be read at the links below:

Media wishing to contact Gabriel Wilson can do so by sending an email to OCLA through the contact form at the link here.

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Bank of Canada data scientist placed on unpaid leave for declining vaccine

Dr. Joseph Hickey, a data scientist at the Bank of Canada (Canada’s central bank), was removed from his duties and put on forced unpaid leave from work on Nov. 22, 2021, for declining to receive injections of a COVID-19 vaccine product. Dr. Hickey worked in the Digital Economy and Advanced Analytics Division of the Bank’s Canadian Economic Analysis Department. The Bank created its vaccination policy following the Canadian government’s mandate requiring vaccination for travellers and employees in federally-regulated industries.

Dr. Hickey is also the (volunteer) Executive Director of the Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA).

Prior to being placed on unpaid leave, Hickey requested an accommodation to be permitted to continue working from home as he and his colleagues had been doing since March 2020. His accommodation request letter of Nov. 12, 2021, expressed his:

  • objection to the arbitrary and unnecessary nature of the policy;
  • concerns about the known and unknown medical risks of the vaccine products;
  • deeply held conviction that receiving an injection was not the right personal health choice for him;
  • argument that the policy discriminated against him on the basis of age and sex, since males aged 30-39 have a significantly higher risk of developing heart inflammation (myocarditis or pericarditis) following two doses of an mRNA vaccine than females or males over 40, as shown by data from Public Health Ontario.

The Bank denied Hickey’s accommodation request and communicated this to him via a meeting on MS Teams on Nov. 18 and by email on Nov. 19, 2021. The Bank’s email states:

“Having reviewed your request in consultation with third party experts, the Bank has determined that you have not established that your request meets the threshold for a medical, religious, sex and age based accommodation.

Please note that you will be expected to comply with the Bank’s mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Policy. To the extent that you remain non-compliant, you will be placed on leave without pay or benefits as of November, 22, 2021; your employment may ultimately be terminated if you remain non-compliant after the leave period.

As discussed, your access to the Bank’s system will be suspended. You will also be sent a prepaid courier box for the purpose of collecting your Bank assets. This will be sent to the home address the Bank has on file for you. If this address is not up-to-date, please provide me with the correct address. Please provide me with a personal email address so that I may contact you during your leave, if and when required. As well, you cannot come onsite and your building pass has been disabled.

Should you decide to comply with the Bank`s policy, please provide the dates you will be receiving, or have received, your first and second doses. Once you have your second dose please use the attached form to attest that you are fully vaccinated. Once I receive this completed form from you, your system access will be restored, your Bank assets will be returned to you, and you will be reintegrated to work as soon as possible. You will be removed from leave without pay and benefits the day following your second dose. However, please note that you will be required to work remotely for a 14 day period following the second dose, which is required to be considered fully vaccinated. Upon restoration of your system access, you will also be required to update your vaccine status using the Bank’s Service Now Attestation Tool.

I also wish to remind you that as a Bank employee you have access to the Employee Assistance and Family Program (EFAP) which is a confidential counselling and information service. Should you wish to avail yourself of their services, they can be reached at [redacted]. Please let me know if you have any further questions.”

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Petition helps clear up incorrect information given by Ottawa 2-1-1 regarding proof of vaccination in the Toy Mountain Christmas Campaign

A petition circulating on social media this morning called on Ottawa’s Toy Mountain Christmas Campaign not to require proof of vaccination from people picking up donated gifts. Toy Mountain is an annual program by the Salvation Army that distributes toys to underprivileged families in Ottawa.

The Ottawa branch of Ontario 2-1-1, which handles registration of participants in the Toy Mountain program, had been informing callers that proof of vaccination was required, according to the petition, which was written by Dee Campbell and hosted on with the title “Tell Toy Mountain that every child-in-need deserves gifts”.

OCLA called Ottawa 2-1-1 and spoke with an employee who initially stated that “due to provincial guidelines and provincial management policies, building management [of the Toy Mountain campaign offices] is asking for proof of vaccination.” While on the call with OCLA, the representative subsequently noted that she had received a new message from her manager that Toy Mountain did not have a vaccination requirement for participants receiving gifts.

OCLA was also in contact with Marc Hoey, the Coordinator of Service Enhancement for the Toy Mountain campaign, who stated that the information given by Ottawa 2-1-1 about a vaccination requirement was due to a “miscommunication”, and that there is not and has not ever been any such requirement, although the campaign had been “considering various options” prior to launching gift pick-up this year. Hoey further said that the campaign started giving out gifts to recipients today, and that no one receiving gifts has been nor will be asked for proof of vaccination.

The Salvation Army’s Divisional Secretary for Public Relations for Ontario, Glenn van Gulik, also called OCLA to communicate that no one receiving any type of service from any Salvation Army branch is required to show proof of vaccination, and that vaccination is not a requirement to receive any Salvation Army service. Staff of the Salvation Army in Ontario are subjected to vaccination policies, however.

[Archived copy of petition]

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Nature of the COVID-era public health disaster in the USA

Unprecedented massive violations of civil liberties have been imposed on populations by governments around the globe, on the premise of the existence of a dangerous pandemic. But the first level of analysis, for any objective thinker who wants to understand what is going on, is to examine the raw data on deaths of all causes over time. Do these data show patterns that deviate significantly from the years prior to the era of COVID-19? If so, how and why? 

In this extensive article, OCLA researcher Denis Rancourt and co-authors Marine Baudin and Jérémie Mercier address these questions for the United States and Canada.

Read the PDF of the full article here

Nature of the COVID-era public health disaster in the USA, from all-cause mortality and socio-geo-economic and climatic data

by Denis G. Rancourt, Marine Baudin, and Jérémie Mercier

Abstract: We investigate why the USA, unlike Canada and Western European countries, has a sustained exceedingly large mortality in the “COVID-era” occurring from March 2020 to present (October 2021). All-cause mortality by time is the most reliable data for detecting true catastrophic events causing death, and for gauging the population-level impact of any surge in deaths from any cause. The behaviour of the USA all-cause mortality by time (week, year), by age group, by sex, and by state is contrary to pandemic behaviour caused by a new respiratory disease virus for which there is no prior natural immunity in the population. Its seasonal structure (summer maxima), age-group distribution (young residents), and large state-wise heterogeneity are unprecedented and are opposite to viral respiratory disease behaviour, pandemic or not. We conclude that a pandemic did not occur. We infer that persistent chronic psychological stress induced by the long-lasting government-imposed societal and economic transformations during the COVID-era converted the existing societal (poverty), public-health (obesity) and hot-climate risk factors into deadly agents, largely acting together, with devastating population-level consequences against large pools of vulnerable and disadvantaged residents of the USA, far above preexisting pre-COVID-era mortality in those pools. We also find a large COVID-era USA pneumonia epidemic that is not mentioned in the media or significantly in the scientific literature, which was not adequately addressed. Many COVID-19-assigned deaths may be misdiagnosed bacterial pneumonia deaths. The massive vaccination campaign (380 M administered doses, 178 M fully vaccinated individuals, mainly January-August 2021 and March-August 2021, respectively) had no detectable mitigating effect, and may have contributed to making the younger population more vulnerable (35-64 years, summer-2021 mortality).

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Sudden deaths in Ontario should be investigated

@ScienceGuruMam has started a thread on Twitter listing names of young and seemingly healthy people who have died suddenly in Ontario over the past few months, often while engaging in physical exercise.

These deaths should be transparently investigated given Public Health Ontario’s recently released data showing concerning rates of heart problems in recipients of the novel vaccine products that have been and continue to be widely applied and mandated in Ontario.

Excerpts from several of these tragic stories are posted below, with links:

“The Queen’s community is remembering Kamila Lebel-Farrell, who passed away suddenly after collapsing while exercising outdoors on Wednesday, June 9.  Kamila was 19 years old.” — Queen’s Gazette, 18 June 2021

“The devastated husband of a young Toronto mother who died suddenly while on a run this weekend says he has lost his ‘everything’ and that his life will never be the same. Jenn Gouveia collapsed and died on Sunday while out for a run in High Park.” — CTV News, 8 July 2021

“The University of Ottawa is mourning the death of Gee-Gees football player Francis Perron, who died shortly after the Gee-Gees first game of the season.” — CTV News, 19 September 2021

“Milton boy, 14, dies after collapsing in parking lot while playing basketball” — Toronto Star, 5 August 2021

“In the span of a week, 20-year-old University of Guelph student Farisa Navab went from being perfectly healthy to losing her life to a rare blood disorder she had just been diagnosed with.”  —, 28 September 2021

“The Queen’s University community is mourning the death of first-year student Jacob Downey, who died suddenly on Sept. 29 following a medical emergency.” — The Whig Standard, 3 October 2021

“A 17-year-old boy has died shortly after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Sean Hartman, a student at Banting Memorial high school, got the shot in September. He immediately suffered multiple health problems. He unexpectedly passed away at home on September 27th according to his GoFundMe page. Sean got the vaccine so that he could play hockey in a arena where the vaccine is mandated.” — The Covid World, 5 October 2021

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Rapid appraisal of the usefulness of mRNA vaccines for SARS-COV-2 Delta variant infections and implications for Alberta

Vaccine coercion by governments and employers and the segregation pass are egregious violations of human rights and democratic principles. Perceptions are manipulated in order to extract public acceptance of these extreme measures. Science itself is enlisted into this authoritarian program, but what does science actually tell us?

In this article, Professor Warren Kindzierski uses data from vaccine trials and government health agencies to show that media representations of vaccine usefulness are often misleading. 

Read the PDF of the full article here

Rapid appraisal of the usefulness of messenger RNA vaccines for sars-cov-2 Delta variant infections and implications for Alberta

By Warren Kindzierski, PhD

Summary: A rapid appraisal is presented here on the efficacy of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines for Delta variant infections and implications for Alberta. Government surveillance data and other data from independent studies in England, Scotland, and Israel were examined.

These countries are further along in their Delta variant infection waves than Alberta. The data presented show that fully-vaccinated people aged 60 years and over are being infected, hospitalized and dying from the Delta variant. mRNA vaccines and the mRNA-produced non-sterilizing antibodies do not appear to be working as originally intended for the Delta variant. Published absolute risk reduction – a measure of reduced risk of mild covid symptoms – from vaccination is small for a person of average health or better (≤1.1%) based on Pfizer and Moderna vaccine clinical trials.

As for people aged 60 or older who are of average health or better, or those who have been previously infected, the evidence is weak that they need to be vaccinated for covid in Alberta. Requiring proof of vaccination for people to enter certain businesses and to attend certain events is not supported by science as vaccinated people can be infected by the Delta variant and transmit it to others.

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Vaccine concerns weighed against natural immunity

Vaccine coercion by governments and employers and the segregation pass are egregious violations of human rights and democratic principles. Perceptions are manipulated in order to extract public acceptance of these extreme measures. Science itself is enlisted into this authoritarian program, but what does science actually tell us?

Here, a Canadian expert reminds us of the potential for a massive health disaster, and shows that recent research proves that the injections are not a valid substitute for natural immunity.

View and download the PDF of the full article here.

Vaccine concerns weighed against natural immunity
The COVID-19 vaccine train forges ahead with reckless speed and destinations unknown

By John Zwaagstra, PhD

Abstract: We briefly summarize a past public health disaster and draw a parallel to the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out. On a scale vastly larger than the thalidomide travesty, countless millions are blindly submitting to COVID-19 vaccinations without being informed about safety concerns or understanding how the vaccines actually work. We submit that the multiple adverse events experienced in the vaccinated are attributed predominantly to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and vector toxicity and misappropriate distribution in the body. Beyond these concerns, it is apparent that the vaccines have not succeeded in preventing viral infection and transmission, given the reported surge of the Delta variant within populations virtually 100% vaccinated. In contrast to this failure, we outline basic features of natural immunity and cite recent studies showing that the human body mounts robust antibody and cell-mediated immune responses against the SARS-CoV-2 virus and associated variants. Accumulating evidence continues to corroborate that the arsenal of the human immune system significantly out-performs anything the vaccines can offer.

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