Spring 2013 Newsletter

Dear OCLA Supporter,

This newsletter is to provide a short update about the OCLA’s work over the past months.

First, we would like to introduce two new advisory board members, Ms. Colia Clark and Mr. Tyler Willis:

  • Colia Clark is a veteran of the civil rights movement, a recent U.S. Senate candidate, and an active political voice in the United States. She is based in New York City.
  • Tyler Willis is an editor and co-founder of The Puritan literary magazine, based in Toronto.

We would also like to introduce new executive member Riana Colbert, who joins OCLA as its Communications and Social Media Director. Riana’s bio is posted on the OCLA executive members page at: https://ocla.ca/about/executive-members/.

On May 3, we hosted medical resident Dr. Alex Nataros of Montreal, Quebec at a public talk entitled “Silence is Deadly: Dr. Alex Nataros on reporting medical errors”. A brief report about the event including photos is posted at: https://ocla.ca/962/.

The OCLA’s campaign about the Supreme Court Registrar’s conduct towards self-represented litigants was initiated on March 4 through a letter to the Chief Justice of Canada. Following the March 4 letter, the Registrar reversed his decision barring a self-represented litigant from filing a leave to appeal application. We continue to push for an investigation of the Registrar’s treatment of self-represented litigants.

Also in March, MP Charmaine Borg of Quebec contacted OCLA regarding her Private Member’s Bill C-475 about protection of personal information. The OCLA’s response can be read at: https://ocla.ca/ocla-supports-bill-c-475/.

Finally, we would like to announce that OCLA is now on Twitter @oncivlib, so please follow us to connect!

We look forward to continue building OCLA into an organization that can stand at the forefront of protecting fundamental freedoms for individuals. To become a member of OCLA, please send an email to joseph.hickey@ocla.ca with an (optional) donation, which can be made through the Paypal button at our website or by sending a cheque to our mailing address listed at:https://ocla.ca/contact/.

Yours truly,

Joseph Hickey
Executive Director
Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA) https://www.ocla.ca
613-252-6148 (c)

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