PRESS RELEASE: OCLA calls for investigation of Supreme Court Registrar’s conduct towards self-represented litigants

OTTAWA, March 6, 2013 – The Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA) has asked Beverly McLachlin, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, to take action on serious concerns about the conduct of the Registrar of the Supreme Court towards self-represented litigants, which deprives unrepresented parties from access to justice.

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COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE : L’ALCO demande une enquête sur la conduite du registraire de la Cour suprême du Canada envers les parties non-représentées

OTTAWA, le 6 mars 2013 – L’Association des libertés civiles de l’Ontario (ALCO) a demandé à Beverly McLachlin, juge en chef de la Cour suprême du Canada, d’agir par rapport à la conduite du registraire de la Cour suprême qui prive les parties non-représentées de l’accès à la justice.

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Letter to the Chief Justice of Canada

The OCLA wrote to the Chief Justice of Canada, The Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin regarding the Supreme Court Registrar towards unrepresented litigants.

The OCLA’s letter is here.

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Report on OCLA Launch Event

Dear OCLA supporter,

Re: OCLA Launch Event of January 25, 2013

This note is to give a huge THANK YOU to everyone who made it out to the OCLA Launch Event of Friday, January 25! More than 60 people were in attendance, which is a marvellous turnout for our first public event! For those who couldn’t make it, please read on for more details about the evening’s activities.

The launch event was an inspiring moment as we begin our work for defence of civil liberties in Ontario. We began with an introduction to OCLA and a selection of short videos about civil liberties, then heard talks from guest speakers, and finally, we enjoyed some food and desserts while having an exciting, open group discussion between all attendees that went on late into the night.

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OCLA Launch: Guest Speakers / Lancement d’OCLA : discours des invités

Guest speakers Prof. Benoît Awazi, Prof. Steven E. Noble, and Dr. Waleed AlGhaithy participated at last Friday’s OCLA Launch Event. Video of our guest speakers’ talks is below.

* Text of Prof. Noble’s speech is available HERE.

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OCLA : Peut-on tout dire ?

Cliquez ici pour lire cet excellent compte-rendu du lancement d’OCLA et des discours des invités, écrit par Lina Maret de La Rotonde, journal francophone des étudiant(e)s de l’Université d’Ottawa.

(Photo par Jerôme Simon, La Rotonde)

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L’OCLA dans Le Droit

Un article par Louis-Denis Ebacher a paru dans Le Droit, un journal francophone de la région Ottawa-Gatineau, le vendredi passé.

Cliquez ici afin de lire cet article, intitulé “L’Association des libertés civiles de l’Ontario voit le jour”.

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L’OCLA sur CJFO FM à Ottawa / OCLA on CJFO FM

Reportage et entrevue sur le lancement d’OCLA par M. Benjamin Vachet du CJFO FM, radio francophone de la région Ottawa-Gatineau. Cliquez le lien ci-dessous pour écouter :

CJFO FM “En direct d’ici” (25 janvier 2013)

The OCLA was featured on CJFO FM, francophone community radio in Ottawa, in advance of its Launch Event, on Friday, January 25, 2013.

Joseph Hickey was interviewed by M. Benjamin Vachet of the program “En direct d’ici”.  Listen at the link above.

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OCLA on Radio-Canada / L’OCLA sur Radio-Canada

The OCLA was featured on Radio-Canada this afternoon on its show “Le midi trente Ontario”, which is broadcast across Ontario. Listen to the report and interview with Executive Director, Joseph Hickey (in french) below:

Reportage sur le lancement d’OCLA et entrevue avec son directeur exécutif, Joseph Hickey.

Diffusé le jeudi 24 janvier 2013 à l’émission “Le midi trente Ontario” de Radio-Canada. Cliquez ici pour écouter.

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PRESS RELEASE: Ontario’s own civil liberties association is born


Ontario’s own civil liberties association is born

OTTAWA, January 22, 2013 – “There is a crying need in Ontario for a civil liberties association that stands for civil liberties.” – Founding Principles, Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA).

The OCLA is a young initiative which promises to surpass middle of the road organizations, and is endorsed by prominent civil liberties leaders from both the political right and left, including Noam Chomsky, John Carpay, and Robert I. Martin.

The media are invited to the Ottawa launch which will begin with a press conference at 7 p.m. followed by invited speakers and an open discussion on civil liberties with attendees.

Friday, January 25, 7 p.m., University of Ottawa, Desmarais Building, Room 1160.


Joseph Hickey
Executive Director
Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA)

Dr. Steven E. Noble
Advisory Board Member
Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA)
613.824.4408 (h)

Caroline Wang (French only)
Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA)
514.632.8805 (c)

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