Author Archives: admin

Summer 2013 Newsletter

Dear OCLA Supporter, This newsletter is to provide a short update about OCLA’s work over the summer and to let you know our plans for the fall. We hope your summer has gone well and hope to see you at one of our upcoming events … Continue reading

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A taser didn’t save Sammy Yatim: OCLA’s opinion on new tasers permission for Ontario police forces

On August 27, 2013, The Honourable Madeleine Meilleur, Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services for Ontario made the announcement that the province will now permit all frontline police officers to use tasers. The government’s announcement comes in the wake … Continue reading

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Dr. Brian Martin’s Guide to Speaking Out

Telling your story can be an empowering first step for individuals who find themselves at odds with society’s powerful groups and feel that their civil liberties have been infringed upon or removed. Dr. Brian Martin of Australia has provided some … Continue reading

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Justice for Deepan Budlakoti: Letter to Minister of Immigration

Letter from OCLA to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration asking him to stop the deportation of born and raised Canadian, Deepan Budlakoti. Justice for Deepan Budlakoti: Letter from OCLA to Minister of Immigration

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OCLA discusses police “body-cams” on The Bill Good Show

OCLA participated in a July 31, 2013 radio interview on CKNW AM Vancouver’s The Bill Good Show about the movement to have police officers wear body-worn cameras to record police conduct. The first half of the segment featured President Paul … Continue reading

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Plaidoyers finaux dans la bataille pour la liberté académique à l’Université d’Ottawa

OTTAWA, le 21 juin 2013 – Les plaidoyers finaux d’un des plus importants cas de liberté académique au Canada, soit celui de l’ancien professeur de physique Denis Rancourt de l’Université d’Ottawa, seront entendus les 25 et 26 juin 2013 à … Continue reading

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Closing Arguments in U of O Academic Freedom Battle

OTTAWA, June 20, 2013 – Closing arguments in one of Canada’s most significant academic freedom cases involving the dismissal of University of Ottawa physics professor Denis Rancourt will be heard on June 25th and 26th in Ottawa. The University is … Continue reading

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Letter to York U. President about student group cancellation

The following letter was sent from OCLA to York University President, Mamdouh Shoukri, on June 17, in protest of the university’s cancellation of a student group’s status. 2013-06-17 OCLA to YorkU re SAIA Group Status by Joseph Hickey

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Spring 2013 Newsletter

Dear OCLA Supporter, This newsletter is to provide a short update about the OCLA’s work over the past months. First, we would like to introduce two new advisory board members, Ms. Colia Clark and Mr. Tyler Willis: Colia Clark is a veteran of the civil rights … Continue reading

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Letter to the Chief Justice of Canada

The OCLA wrote to the Chief Justice of Canada, The Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin regarding the Supreme Court Registrar towards unrepresented litigants. The OCLA’s letter is here.

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