Summer 2013 Newsletter

Dear OCLA Supporter,

This newsletter is to provide a short update about OCLA’s work over the summer and to let you know our plans for the fall. We hope your summer has gone well and hope to see you at one of our upcoming events (more information below)!

Public Campaigns

Our public campaigns page now includes four items. You can read about the campaigns, including OCLA’s letters to the officials responsible in these matters, by following the links below:

OCLA Opinion on New Tasers Permissions

On August 27, the Ontario government announced that police forces in the provinces will be allowed broader access to tasers. Read OCLA’s opinion statement about this announcement at the following link: ”A taser didn’t save Sammy Yatim: OCLA’s opinion on new tasers permission for Ontario police forces.”

Upcoming Events

OCLA has three events lined up for this fall: two in Ottawa and one in Toronto. We hope you can come and bring your friends too!

Volunteering with OCLA

There are all kinds of ways you can collaborate with OCLA to help the organization grow and contribute in the societal push-back towards greater individual freedom and agency that OCLA is part of.

Everyone who works with OCLA is a volunteer. Please contact us to discuss your volunteering interests, no matter how large or how small!

How to Stay Connected and Donate to OCLA

Twitter: @oncivlib


OCLA is a non-profit organization. Donations help cover operating costs such as booking rooms for public events, printing promotional material for campaigns and events, and website hosting. We also plan to use donation money to pay for court filing fees and court document production costs (copies and binding) in the future, regarding court and tribunal interventions on civil liberties issues.

Donations can be made in two ways:

1)    through Paypal, by clicking the “Donate” button in the top-right corner of; or

2)    by sending a cheque to “Ontario Civil Liberties Association” to our mailing address:

Ontario Civil Liberties Association
180 Metcalfe Street, Suite 204
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K2P 1P5

We look forward to continuing OCLA’s work and hope to see you soon!


Joseph Hickey, Executive Director
Matthew Fournier, Technical Director
Caroline Wang, Treasurer
Riana Colbert, Communications and Social Media Director

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