OCLA Report: Nature of the Toxicity of the COVID-19 Vaccines in the USA (Version 1)

Vaccine coercion is now wide-spread in Canada, with punishments for non-compliance including loss of livelihood, educational and social opportunities, ability to travel or leave the country, and much more.

Imposing or coercing medical procedures, including vaccination, violates civil liberties. The egregiousness of the violation depends on the recklessness of governments, and this in turn relates to the toxicity of the imposed pharmaceutical product or procedure.

On Jan. 4, 2022, OCLA posted a statement about the study of toxicity of the COVID-19 vaccines, in which we warned of important data artifacts in the USA’s VAERS database that render many of the currently-available toxicity analyses unreliable (the so-called “toxic batches” analyses). OCLA’s statement noted that a detailed study by OCLA researchers would be forthcoming.

This post is to announce the publication of Version 1 of OCLA’s analysis of COVID-19 vaccine toxicity using the VAERS database. Version 1 succinctly presents the key results of the study. An updated version with more details will follow.

The report studies data from the USA’s VAERS database, because no similar publicly-available and extensive dataset on vaccine harm exists for Canada. However, many of the results are relevant for the Canadian population.

Read the PDF of OCLA Report 2022-1 (v1) here

Nature of the toxicity of the COVID-19 vaccines in the USA

by Joseph Hickey and Denis G. Rancourt

In this study of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System data (VAERS data, USA) for COVID-19 vaccines we examine the broad features of the data, resolved by:

  • major adverse effect (AE) category (death, life-threatening reaction, hospitalization, disability, and all categories),
  • vaccine manufacturer (Janssen, Moderna, Pfizer),
  • type of injection (shot number in primary series, booster), • date of injection,
  • date of onset or finality of AE, and
  • age of the person suffering the AE;

compared to the dates of administration of all the injections, for the different manufacturers and types of injections (see Figure S1), and compared to population characteristics (age structure, poverty, life expectancy, obesity).

We elucidate fundamental aspects of the body’s response to these kinds of pulses of toxic charges, related to age-dependent immune efficiency and age-dependent spread of vulnerability, and we identify exponential time decay components in the induced mortalities, with half-life values in the range 13-30 days, possibly arising from the spike protein.


(link to full report)

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