Letter to Canadian Senators re: Bill C-49

The Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA) has sent a letter today to the Members of the Senate Standing Committee on Transport and Communications and to all Canadian Senators opposing changes to Bill C-49 (Transportation Modernization Act), which in-effect stifle public interest advocacy and undermine access to justice in the area of air transportation.

The letter can be read below or at the link here.

Update (2018-03-27): “Senate Committee Sides with Canadian Air Passengers Against Proposed Government Bill”, Air Passenger Rights 

2018-03-11 OCLA Letter to Senators re Bill C-49 by Ontario Civil Liberties Association

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OCLA Letter to Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

The OCLA sent a letter today to the Honourable Ahmed D. Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship re: the Canadian government’s intent to deport Mr. Abdoul Abdi, and systemic violations of international law.

The letter is online here and embedded below:

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OCLA’s 2017 Year in Review

Dear OCLA Supporter,
This email is to give you an update about the OCLA’s work and activities in 2017.
OCLA statement calling for calm, reason, and objectivity
The OCLA called on the government and media to react with calm, reason, and objectivity in response to controversial and, in some cases, tragic events taking place in 2017. The OCLA’s statement warned that civil rights can quickly become abated in times of widespread outrage, and pointed to several troubling examples in Ontario. The statement can be read at the following link: https://ocla.ca/ocla-calls-on-the-government-and-media-to-exercise-calm-reason-and-objectivity/
OCLA letters
The OCLA sent several letters to public officials in 2017, in defence of freedom of speech in specific cases:
(letter to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness)
(letter to the Attorney General of Ontario)
(letter to the President of Dalhousie University)
(letter to the Attorney General of Ontario)
(letter to Toronto City Council)
Jeannette Tossounian receives the 2017 OCLA Civil Liberties Award
Jeannette Tossounian, an artist, author, and lifelong activist for civil rights, was the recipient of the OCLA’s 2017 Civil Liberties Award. In 2012, Jeannette was wrongly convicted and spent two years in harsh conditions in an Ontario jail for women. While in jail, she was put into solitary confinement for defying the jail’s policy forcing women inmates to wear bras. She was forced to go on hunger strike to finally have the policy repealed. Her book The Human Kennel was written while in jail.
Filmmaker Peter Biesterfeld created a video of the 2017 award event, which also marked the OCLA’s five-year anniversary. The video contains the OCLA Executive Director’s overview of the OCLA’s work during its first five years of existence, an introduction of the award recipient by Senator Kim Pate, and Jeannette’s acceptance speech.
We are now raising money to help Jeannette in her battle to obtain reparations from the government of Ontario. Please help with this campaign by making a donation at our GoFundMe page, and please share this link with your contacts.
Public event: “Social theory of freedom of expression”
OCLA researcher Dr. Denis Rancourt gave a public talk in November about the social theory of freedom of expression. Video of the talk is available at the following link: https://youtu.be/FBKZqvFReRo
OCLA Executive Director’s research on social hierarchy
In his PhD research, OCLA Executive Director Joseph Hickey has developed a physics model of the formation and evolution of social hierarchy that has implications regarding societal stability and individual freedom. Joseph has communicated this work in a popular science essay “How societies form and change: a physics model of social hierarchy”, which also contains a link to a scientific article about the model.
Media coverage
OCLA’s positions were covered in the media many times in 2017. A few examples are below:
Full list of media coverage here: https://ocla.ca/our-work/media-coverage/
How to stay connected and donate to the OCLA
Website: https://ocla.ca
Twitter: @oncivlib
The OCLA is an independent, volunteer-run organization. Donations help cover operating costs such as booking rooms for public events, printing promotional material for campaigns and events, and paying for court filing fees and court document production costs (copies and binding) for court and tribunal interventions on civil liberties issues.
As we are an entirely volunteer-run organization with a very small budget, we do depend on donations to continue our work, and appreciate any contribution you can make.
Donations can be made in two ways:
1) Through PayPal, by clicking the “Donate” button in the top-right corner of https://ocla.ca; or
2) By sending a cheque to “Ontario Civil Liberties Association” to our mailing address:
Ontario Civil Liberties Association
The OCLA is not affiliated with the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) or the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA). All three associations are separate and distinct.
Thank you for your support!
Yours truly,
Joseph Hickey
Executive Director
Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA) https://ocla.ca
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OCLA letter to Toronto City Councillors

The OCLA has written to the members of Toronto City Council asking them to deny a proposal by Councillor James Pasternak that would bar public demonstrations on the basis of projected or inferred political views.

The letter is posted online here and embedded below:

2017-11-26 Letter OCLA to Toronto City Councillors by Ontario Civil Liberties Association on Scribd

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OCLA letter to AG Ontario re: Criminal proceedings against James Sears and Lawrence St. Germaine

The OCLA has sent the following letter to the Hon. Yasir Naqvi, Attorney General of Ontario, regarding the criminal proceedings against James Sears and Lawrence St. Germain of Your Ward News.

The letter is posted online here and embedded below:

2017-11-16 OCLA Letter to AG Ontario by Ontario Civil Liberties Association on Scribd

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Response to the President of Dalhousie University

On October 22, the OCLA sent a letter to Dr. Richard Florizone, President of Dalhousie University opposing disciplinary proceedings instituted against student Ms. Masuma Khan over her postings on Facebook. The OCLA’s letter called for the repeal of university policies that use student discipline to suppress the freedom of expression of its students.

Following extensive media coverage of the OCLA’s and others’ support of the freedom of expression of Dalhousie students, the university administration today announced that it has withdrawn the disciplinary proceedings against Ms. Khan.

The OCLA sent the following email to Dr. Florizone this evening, in response to the university’s announcement:

Dear President Florizone,

Thank you for your response to our letter of October 22, 2017.

The OCLA welcomes Dalhousie University’s renewed commitment to freedom of expression and commends the university for acknowledging that its Code of Student Conduct, in its current form, denies this right.

The OCLA looks forward to Dalhousie University revising the Code to ensure the freedom of expression of all students.

Yours truly,

Joseph Hickey
Executive Director
Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA)

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Letter to the President of Dalhousie University

The OCLA wrote today to the President of Dalhousie University, regarding the university’s disciplinary proceedings against a student for her postings on Facebook.

The OCLA’s letter is posted online here and embedded below.

Letter OCLA to Dalhousie University President Florizone by Ontario Civil Liberties Association on Scribd

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Release: Jeannette Tossounian to Receive the 2017 OCLA Civil Liberties Award

(Ottawa, October 16, 2017) — The Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA) will present its 2017 Civil Liberties Award to Jeannette Tossounian at a public event in Ottawa, Ontario, on Friday October 27 (7pm, PSAC building, 233 Gilmour St., Ottawa, Ontario).

Senator Kim Pate, defender of women prisoners’ rights, will introduce the award recipient.

Ms. Tossounian will speak about her work and life experience related to civil rights and liberties, followed by a question-answer and discussion period open to the participating public.

Jeannette Tossounian is a life-long artist, author, and an authentic and dedicated defender of civil rights. She was self-represented and was wrongly convicted in a trial in which the Crown violated its disclosure obligations (see 2017 appeal decision, link here). She spent
two years in harsh conditions in an Ontario jail for women. She was put into solitary confinement for defending her prisoner’s civil right not to be forced to wear a bra. Her 2016 book The Human Kennel, which was written in jail, is a compelling and incisive examination of inner and institutional life behind bars. This quote illustrates Ms. Tossounian’s spirit:

“I doubt I’ll make parole, I’m not into submitting to a corrupt unjust system and telling them what a bad person I have been and how much I’ve changed for the better thanks to my incarceration. … I still have my mind and won’t lose what is inside of me.”

Her continued revelations and commentary are helping to reform police and prison practices in the province.

Past recipients of the OCLA Civil Liberties Award were Harry Kopyto (2013), Terri-Jean Bedford (2014), Connie Fournier (2015), and Bruce Allan Clark (2016).

The OCLA thus co-celebrates its five-year anniversary and hopes the free public event will be an occasion for meetings and discussions on these vital issues.

Award page, updated regularly: https://ocla.ca/ocla-civil-liberties-award/
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1168544253247543/

About the OCLA

The OCLA vigorously advocates for authentic and unqualified freedom of expression of individuals, on all topics and in every form, in accordance with the right to free expression enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The OCLA also advocates for
unimpeded civil liberties and civil rights of all persons, in dealings with public and private institutions and corporations.

The OCLA is not affiliated with the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) or the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA). All three associations are separate and distinct.


Joseph Hickey
Executive Director
Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA) https://ocla.ca
613-252-6148 (c)

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Communiqué : Jeannette Tossounian recevra le prix de l’Association des libertés civiles de l’Ontario 2017

(OTTAWA, le 16 octobre 2017) – L’Association des libertés civiles de l’Ontario (ALCO) décernera son prix annuel à Mme Jeannette Tossounian lors d’une réception publique à Ottawa, Ontario, vendredi le 27 octobre à 19h00 (édifice de l’Alliance de la Fonction Publique du Canada, 233 rue Gilmour, Ottawa).

La sénatrice Kim Pate, défenseure des droits des femmes incarcérées, présentera Mme Tossounian.

Mme Tossounian parlera de son expérience reliée aux droits et libertés civiles. Une période de questions et discussion avec les personnes présentes suivra.

Jeannette Tossounian est une artiste, une auteure et une défenseure authentique et dévouée des droits civils. Elle s’est représentée elle-même à la cour et a été condamnée injustement lors d’un procès dans lequel la Couronne a violé ses obligations de divulgation (voir la décision de la Cour d’appel de l’Ontario de 2017, lien ici). Elle a passé deux ans dans une prison pour femmes en Ontario dans des conditions sévères. Elle a été mise en isolement cellulaire pour avoir défendu son droit de ne pas être forcée à porter une brassière. Son livre The Human Kennel (publié en 2016) est un examen pénétrant et captivant de la vie à l’intérieur de l’institution carcérale. Ses révélations, tout comme ses interventions publiques et dans les médias, contribuent à la réforme des pratiques policières et carcérales en Ontario.

Les récipiendaires des derniers prix de l’ALCO étaient M. Harry Kopyto (2013), Mlle Terri-Jean Bedford (2014), Mme Connie Fournier (2015) et Dr Bruce Allan Clark (2016).

L’ALCO profitera de l’événement pour fêter son cinquième anniversaire et espère que l’événement, gratuit et ouvert au public, sera une occasion de se réunir et de discuter des enjeux fondamentaux soulevés par Mme Tossounian.

Page web du prix de l’ALCO 2017 (le contenu de cette page sera mis à jour régulièrement) : https://ocla.ca/ocla-civil-liberties-award/
Événement Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/events/1168544253247543/

À propos de l’ALCO

L’ALCO défend avec vigueur la liberté d’expression authentique et sans réserve de tout individu, sur tout sujet et sous toute forme, conformément à la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés. L’ALCO milite aussi pour le libre exercice des libertés civiles et des droits civils de toute personne, dans toute interaction avec les institutions et corporations publiques et privées.

L’ALCO n’est pas affiliée à l’Association canadienne des libertés civiles (ACLC) ni à l’Association des libertés civiles de la Colombie-Britannique (ALCCB). Ces trois associations sont distinctes.

Contact :

Joseph Hickey
Directeur exécutif
Association des libertés civiles de l’Ontario (ALCO) https://ocla.ca
613-252-6148 (c)

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Media Notice: OCLA condemns the inoperative civil right of physician-assisted dying of a grievously ill patient in Thunder Bay, Ontario

Grievous and irremediable medical conditions give rise to circumstances in which any administrative delay is a denial of justice regarding the civil right of physician-assisted dying (PAD).
The OCLA condemns that such inadmissible delays occur in Ontario, despite the strong 2015 Supreme Court ruling that enshrined the right of PAD for an illness, disease or disability that causes enduring suffering that is intolerable to the individual.
“My mom has repeatedly expressed her wish to terminate her life with MAID and has filed a request letter with her md and voiced her wishes with her specialist. She is currently unable to give consent as she requires narcotics to control the pain which make her unable to reaffirm her wishes. The process to get her on the registry for MAID has taken so long and her disease has worsened so quickly that the doctors say she no longer has capacity and must endure radiation and sedation which I know is against her wishes. … This should not happen. Her rights … are not being upheld,” said a family member of the patient to the OCLA.
The patient has now recently reaffirmed her request, the OCLA was told.
The family is also in contact with Dying With Dignity Canada, and the ethical office of the hospital.
Contact (English), specific case:
Shanon Kerr
Patient’s family member, in Thunder Bay
tel.: 519-546-8698
Contact (English / Français), OCLA’s position:
Denis Rancourt (PhD)
Researcher (OCLA)
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