MUST SEE: Dr. Bruce Clark on unconstitutionality of Canada’s treatment of Native Canadians

The Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA) interviewed Dr. Bruce Clark, the lawyer and jurisprudential scholar who describes what ails the Canadian justice system when it comes to dealing with Aboriginal sovereignty issues. Bruce Clark represented Gustafsen Lake Faith Keepers at the Gustafsen Lake Standoff in 1995 near Shuswap, BC. From defender of Aboriginal rights before Canadian and international courts to being jailed and disbarred, Dr. Clark’s struggle has led him to a fight against the justice system itself. This interview is an important historic record in the story of Canada’s genocide of the aboriginal peoples.


Related links:

Dr. Bruce Clark: Aboriginal rights lawyer
Denis Rancourt: Interviewer, for the Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA)
Produced by the OCLA
Filmmaker: Peter Biesterfeld

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