Report on May 3 event: “Silence is Deadly”

On Friday, May 3, 2013, the OCLA hosted Dr. Alex Nataros of Montreal at a public talk entitled “Silence is Deadly: Dr. Alex Nataros on reporting medical errors”. Dr. Nataros is a medical resident at a McGill-affiliated hospital who was placed on forced administrative leave in January 2013 following his reporting of a medical error he encountered during a rotation at his hospital.

The May 3 event allowed for diverse discussion of civil liberties in medical training and the Canadian health care system. Dr. Waleed AlGhaithy and Dr. Alex Nataros spoke about their experiences as medical residents and the challenges in reporting medical errors, followed by a plenary discussion with attendees.

Dr. Nataros’s social media sites are at the following links:

Thank you to all who attended and we look forward to hosting our next event in the near future!

Photos below:


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